Kerry & Gavin's Lockdown

The 2nd family for my little Coronavirus - Doorstep Photo Diaries project was the lovely Spence family!

Kerry was kind enough to write a small piece for my project…..

Lockdown 2020

For us as a family this time has been very up and down. I have been furloughed due to my job as a supervisor in a restaurant and Gavin has had to work from home, so a total life change for us along with many others. In the beginning it seemed impossible to make it work but as with everything it takes a bit of time to adjust.

Due to David’s condition Hypoplastic left heart syndrome and many complex medical needs, we are to shield him. We as parents have had to make sure that we adhere to the guidelines scrupulously. We know we do not want to bring any risk upon ourselves, which could then have an impact on David. David has only left the house since the 18th of March and that was for a visit to the hospital for a check on his heart. I have and older daughter and Grand-daughter whom I miss terribly, but luckily she understand the importance of keeping her brother safe as well as herself. Imogen, our youngest daughter, is only 4 finds this extremely hard. She keeps asking when will the ‘man’ say we can go out and has a jar of wishes ready for that day. Her bond with David has grown immensely and that will always be something I take away from this difficult time.

Saying all of that, I am loving the slower pace of life and have managed to finish my course to be a teaching assistant, while I have been at home. David is also loving the extra time with us all and tells us daily ‘this is the best day ever’. We are very good at making the most of life and dealing with whatever it throws at us, even this has taught us to take life slower.

We are so grateful to Paul for his time today, it was a small piece of normality for us, this maybe difficult time for us, but the extra time together is priceless…..

Paul Murphy